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Study of Glaciers and Glacial Lake Dynamics. Current State of the Cryosphere, Glaciers, Snow Cover, and Water Resources

August 26, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30
13:00-14:30 Session 1B: Hall İstanbul “Study of Glaciers and Glacial Lake Dynamics. Current State of the Cryosphere, Glaciers, Snow Cover, and Water Resources”
Moderator 1B: Muslim Azimshoev – Disaster Risk Reduction Supervisor at Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Tajikistan.
Themes: Examining the current state and dynamics of glaciers and glacial lakes, focusing on their morphological features and melting patterns. It aims to understand how changes in the cryosphere affect regional and global water cycles, ecosystems, and resource management.
13:05-13:25 o   Topic 1: “Glacial lakes as a dynamic indicator of the interaction of climate, geology, and geodynamics.”
Niyozov AnsorLeading Researcher of the Department of Geography and Remote Sensing of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
13:25-13:45 o   Topic 2: “Monitoring of glaciers and glacial lakes – hazard management.”
Turaev TolibHead of the Kashkadarya Hydrometeorological Center Republic of Uzbekistan.
13:45-14:05 o   Topic 3: “Monitoring of glaciers and glacial lakes.”
Muhammadrahim YusufiMember of the Majlisi Namoyandagoni Majlisi Oly (Parliament) of Tajikistan.
14:05-14:25 o   Topic 4: “Investigating permafrost in Tajikistan: Geophysical measurements and InSAR”
Tamara MathysPhD student at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).


August 26, 2024
13:00 - 14:30


Hall İstanbul
26/1, Ismoili Somoni Avenue
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
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