Conference Program

Hall Brussels

26August, 2024
Time Session Speaker(s) Venue
13:00-14:30 Understanding the Process – Trigger, Mechanics of Debris-Flow Growth, Entrainment, Dynamics, and Impacts
13:05-13:25 Rain-induced mudflows and the state of their forecasting in Kazakhstan Yafyazova Roza – Head of the Department for Research of Mudflow Processes and Forecasting of Mudflows, RSE Kazhydromet, Almaty Hall Brussels
13:25-13:45 Establishment of an early warning system along mudflow-prone streams on the example of the Tembolayi Mudflow-Prone Channel Saidov Mirzo – Professor at Tajik National University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan). Hall Brussels
13:45-14:05 Understanding the process – trigger, mechanics of debris-flow growth, entrainment, dynamics, and impacts. Akramov Ubaidullo – Lecturer at Agrarian University of Tajikistan named after Shirinshoh Shohtemur. Hall Brussels
14:05-14:25 The result of studies of glacial lakes by specialists of the Center for Glacier Research and their partners Hamidov Anvar – Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Brussels Hall
15:00-16:00 Advanced Methods and Tools for Debris Flow Prediction and Analysis: GIS and Remote Sensing
15:00-15:20 Remote Sensing and GIS for monitoring and management of hazards. Mukesh Singh Boori – Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Central Asia. Brussels Hall
15:20-15:40 Monitoring, forecasting and prevention of dangerous hydro-meteorological phenomena in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Mutavaliev Mullahuja – Head of the Namangan Hydrometeorological Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Brussels Hall
15:40-16:00 Dynamics of moraine-covered glaciers in the Vanj, Muksu, and Obihingob river basins using Remote Sensing method. Davlyatova Adolat – Scientific Worker at the Center for Research of Glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Brussels Hall
27August, 2024
Time Session Speaker(s) Venue
09:00-10:30 Debris Flow Prediction: Advanced Methods for Natural Hazard Management
09:05-09:25 Glaciological Changes as a Factor in Natural Disasters Kabutov Khusrav – Head of the Center for Research of Glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Hall Brussels
09:25-09:45 Flood in the Debed and Agstev river basins in May 2024: Monitoring and Forecasting Amalya Misakyak – Director of Hydrology Service of Armhydromet, Armenia. Hall Brussels
09:45-10:05 Assessments – application of innovative methods, modeling approaches, and tools for forecasting and modeling debris flow, including Glacial Lakes Outburst Flood (GLOF). Silmonov Intizor – DRR Analyst at the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Tajikistan. Hall Brussels
10:05-10:25 Debris Flow Prediction: Advanced Methods for Natural Hazard Management Salikhboev Khurshed – GIZ Brussels Hall
10:50-12:00 Understanding Debris Flow Dynamics in a Changing Climate
10:55-11:15 Understanding the process – trigger, mechanics of Debris-flow growth. Salimov Abdumajid – Chief Specialist of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology of the Main Department of Geology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Brussels Hall
11:15-11:35 The Impact of Climate Change on the Environment Zubaida Shomamadova – Lecturer at Khorog State University, named after M. Nazarshoev. Brussels Hall
11:35-11:55 Emergency Planning and Response Zaynura Olimnazarova – Head Nurse at Aga Khan Medical Center, Khorog. Brussels Hall
13:00-14:30 Glacier Dynamics and Glacier-Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) Management
13:05-13:25 Disaster Preparedness, Climate Change and Adaptation. Simon Allen – Representative from Zurich University Brussels Hall
13:25-13:45 Monitoring Impacts and Fatalities of GLOFs and Snow Avalanches: Ongoing Efforts in the HMA. Arnaud Ceisarman – Senior Research Fellow/Assistant Director at Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI), University of Central Asia Graduate School of Development . Brussels Hall
13:45-14:05 Glacial mudflows from the Barylmas glacier and their connection with changes in meteorological parameters. Shomamadov Alisho – Senior Scientific Worker at the Center for Research of Glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Brussels Hall
14:05-14:25 Monitoring of glacial lakes and glacial lake outburst floods in the territory of Tajikistan. Jurabekov Tamlikho – Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Brussels Hall
26August, 2024
Time Session Speaker(s) Venue
13:00-14:30 Study of Glaciers and Glacial Lake Dynamics. Current State of the Cryosphere, Glaciers, Snow Cover, and Water Resources
13:05-13:25 Glacial lakes as a dynamic indicator of the interaction of climate, geology, and geodynamics. Niyozov Ansor – Leading Researcher of the Department of Geography and Remote Sensing of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Hall İstanbul
13:25-13:45 Monitoring of glaciers and glacial lakes - hazard management. Turaev Tolib - Head of the Kashkadarya Hydrometeorological Center Republic of Uzbekistan. Hall İstanbul
13:45-14:05 Monitoring of glaciers and glacial lakes. Muhammadrahim Yusufi – Member of the Majlisi Namoyandagoni Majlisi Oly (Parliament) of Tajikistan. Hall İstanbul
14:05-14:25 Investigating permafrost in Tajikistan: Geophysical measurements and InSAR Tamara Mathys – PhD student at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Hall İstanbul
15:00-16:00 Complex Influences on Glacial and Snow Systems: Assessing the Effects of Environmental and Climatic Factors
15:00-15:20 The Impact of Climate Change on Glaciers and Glacier Lakes in Gunt River Basin. Navruzshoev Hofiz – Research Associate at Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI), University of Central Asia Graduate School of Development. Hall İstanbul
15:20-15:40 Modern Glaciation of the Western Pamirs in the Context of Climate Change. Karamkhudoev Alim– Head of the Deparment of Geography and Tourism of Khorog State University named after M. Nazarshoev. Hall İstanbul
15:40-16:00 The Condition of Glaciers in the Vanch River Basin Under Climate Change Conditions. Davlatova Munzifa – Scientific Worker at the Center for Research of Glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Hall İstanbul
27August, 2024
Time Session Speaker(s) Venue
09:00-10:30 Innovative Techniques and Modelling for Glacier Dynamics and Forecasting
09:05-09:25 Towards sustainable cryosphere monitoring in Tajikistan. Tomas Saks – Senior Researcher at the University of Fribourg. Hall İstanbul
09:25-09:45 Quantifying Contemporary and Future Risks of the Naturally Dammed Glacial Lake Rivakkul Using Geoinformatics Technique and Morphometric Indices Khizer Zakir – Master student of Digital Earth, Geoinformatics, and Geodata sciences at the University of South Brittany and University of Salzburg. Hall İstanbul
09:45-10:05 Negative effects of melting glaciers and Climate Change on the tangible and intangible culture of communities. Alamshoev Qurboniddin – Senior Research Fellow at Humanitarian Institute of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic Tajikistan named after B. Iskandarov Hall İstanbul
10:05-10:25 Understanding the process – trigger, mechanics of Debris-flow growth, entrainment, dynamics, and impacts Ghayrat Azizzoda – Member of the Majlisi Namoyandagoni Majlisi Oly (Parliament) of Tajikistan Hall İstanbul
10:50-12:00 Best Practices on Mitigation Measures, Early Warning Systems, Early Prevention, and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction
10:55-11:15 Disaster Preparedness, Climate Change and Adaptation. Sarafroz Mavlyanov – Project Officer at ACTED (Dushanbe, Tajikistan) Brussels Hall
11:15-11:35 Impact of exogenic geological processes on the socioeconomic infrastructure of Khorog City, GBAO. Elnazarov Sangin – Head of the sector, representative office of the Main Department of Geology in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, expert gemologist. Brussels Hall
11:35-11:55 Characteristics of Debris Flow Occurrence and AKAH's Experience in Developing Protection Methods Against Them in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO). Ganjali Shafiev – Consultant at Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Tajikistan. Brussels Hall